These custom apertures result in the smallest possible Gerber files, whereas a user list can give very inefficient, incorrect, and large files. Otherwise, you should use custom apertures.Ī layout has a built-in optimization routine that selects the best list of apertures for efficient polygon fills and flashes. Generally, you should use user apertures only if your company has a standard set of apertures to which Gerber exports must conform.

The Aperture list contains a list of user apertures defined by users for specific needs. Specify options for exporting the file.Ĭustom apertures are apertures created by a layout specifically for each Gerber file.Genesysmenu and select Gerber File from the Export menu. You can write a Gerber file for the current layout. Specify options for importing the file.Genesysmenu and select Gerber File from the Import menu. You can import Gerber files for use in generating or modifying layouts. A circuit board can have many layers therefore, a Gerber file is created for each layer. This lets you use layouts in other programs or export them to board manufactures in a standard format they understand.

A Gerber file lets you export layouts using a commonly used format.